Top 7 Things to Know About GDS
Benefits, Features & Revenue Impact
Top questions about hotel GDS. Discover how a hotel GDS connects hotels to travel agencies worldwide, enabling real-time distribution of inventory and rates across this booking channels.
Learn about its benefits, features, and impact on hotel revenue
1. Can you explain what GDS is to me in less than 50 words?
The Global Distribution System (GDS) links over 600,000 travel agents across the globe, providing a streamlined platform to easily book hotels, car rentals, flights, and more in one place. Particularly popular in corporate travel, GDS empowers companies to manage health, safety, expense and sustainability guidelines by guiding bookings through preferred agencies.
2.Who makes bookings through the GDS Channel?
GDS (Global Distribution System) bookings with hotels are typically made by:
Travel Agents: They rely on GDS platforms (like Amadeus, Sabre, or Travelport) to find hotel availability, compare pricing and make reservations on behalf of their clients.
Corporate Travel Managers: Numerous large companies utilise GDS systems to handle their business travel requirements, including hotel reservations, as an integral part of their comprehensive travel and expense management solutions.
Online Travel Agencies (OTAs): OTAs like Expedia, and others frequently access GDS platforms to connect directly with hotel inventory for seamless reservations.
3. What market segments book through GDS?
GDS systems are mainly geared toward travel professionals and corporate travelers, emphasising a B2B approach. In contrast, OTAs take a B2C focus, catering to individual travelers seeking the best deals and a wide range of choices. As technology advances, some GDS platforms are expanding to include more B2C offerings.
4. What is a Chain Code & why is it important?
A chain code is a two-letter identifier used by the GDS to recognise the hotel chain or GDS representation company associated with a property. These codes enhance brand visibility and positioning across various distribution channels, strengthening connections with travel agents and tour operators, thereby increasing booking opportunities. Utilising our chain code enables us to promote chain-wide standards and foster loyalty toward your properties.
5. What is an RFP?
In the hotel industry, an RFP, or Request for Proposal, is a formal request typically issued by a company, organization, or event planner seeking rates to potentially include a property in their travel program.
To provide an accurate proposal, they generally share key details, such as:
- Number of rooms
- Length of stay
- Expected number of guests
- Desired amenities
The Classic British and Great National teams collaborate closely with travel managers to ensure that relevant RFP invitations are directed to your hotel. While many GDS bookings rely on dynamic pricing, fixed-rate RFPs play a secondary role in overall production at most hotels, giving you flexibility in setting rates and availability through your PMS.
6. What is a travel agent consortia?
A travel agent consortia is an alliance of travel agencies that join forces to maximise their collective purchasing power and resources, enabling them to negotiate improved rates, commissions and exclusive benefits with travel suppliers like hotels, airlines, cruise lines and tour operators. By being part of a consortium, individual agencies, especially smaller or independent ones, can provide clients with competitive rates and unique perks comparable to those offered by larger agencies.
7. What support will you give me in growing this channel?
We offer comprehensive support to help hotels turn GDS into a sustainable, long-term revenue source. From rate setup to content creation, our team manages every detail, so hotel partners can focus on delivering outstanding guest experiences without needing to master GDS complexities. Our in-house experts ensure that rates and content are of the highest quality, optimised to attract more bookings. Additionally, our feedback and reporting tools provide valuable insights, empowering hotels to make data-driven decisions and refine their strategies for ongoing success. Partnering with us gives hotels a trusted ally dedicated to maximising their GDS performance, simplifying channel management and driving growth toward their revenue goals.